Saturday, May 29, 2010

books and more books

I am, or I am one of the few, children at my highschool who reads for fun. when people ask me what i do for fun and i say, 'oh you know, TV, Video games, reading, running.' They usually reply with, 'You read?!?' Actually, i have gotten that responce every time. Reading in youth is becoming a lost art form. Is this a generational thing or what? if it is, were going to have a generation of iliterate adults. scary to think about isn't it? of course, we aren't really a lost cause, because of people like me and you (faithful reader).

One of my favorite authors is Stephen King. yeah, he may be running out of ideas but that usually happens when you have over 30 books published (all of them being best sellers might i add). of course, Stephen king has such a high reputation now, that even if he sold a book about a boy who found a frog, killed the frog, and the boy lived happily ever after, and another 100 pages of detail about the kids feelings after he ate the frog, the book would still be a best seller. Non the less, he is an amazing story teller.

Another skilled writer is C.S. Lewis. His chronicals of Narnia books will go down in history. Reading them as a child, i was able to picture such an amazing world. Stupid movie had to go an make it look regular. so as my favorite saying goes, 'Never judge a book by its movie'

There are hundreds apon thousands of skilled writers out there who i will not write about, but to name a few for naming a few's sake, i will name a few (that wasn't repetitive at all)
J.R. Tolken, the Left Behind series, and the Twilight series.

An after note on the twilight series, DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS MOVIE. the books are amazing, the movies sucked, plain and simple.

To the faithful readers,
Nicholas Zint